Tuesday, 15 February 2011


 If this morning had a title, it'd be called, "Cabin Fever."
and so...
to the ice rink park we went.

 and while I think these images are pretty neat...
I am so ready to see some color!


 as many roses as Valentine's days we've spent together--- 12! 
that's impressive when you're only 25. 
 enjoying the "heat wave". 
you know, 37 degrees at dusk.
my first post-partum run.
their first bike ride of 2011.
 breathtakingly beautiful...
if I do say so myself.
9lbs 3 oz., 22 inches long
6 weeks old
Nora James, testing out her new toy!

Sunday, 13 February 2011


Daddy's home...
                                        and we are all so glad.


I took hundreds of photos, but not one of my family...


 my amazing Mom and my sweet Nora James
 tubby time at Grandma Sue's!
Nora and me :)


beautiful sunrise... lonely swing
I love these girls :)


(this is the 'I just washed my hair with lotion' look, in case you're wondering.)


'Owl' always love you.

Monday, 7 February 2011


beautiful in blue
(but beautiful in everything).


...an object that you'll rarely to never find me without.
also known as: what you take pictures of when all children are in their beds and you haven't slept in what feels like days and it's after the super bowl and you realize you haven't taken a picture yet today.
exciting, huh? 


ski trip 2011.
80 kids.
wise husband.
no sleep.
a passion expanded...

so thankful to be doing what we do.



i am still amazed every day that i wake up and have these three to love on.