Monday, 2 May 2011


Just a quick blurb here-
We're working as a youth group to raise support to go to St. Kitts this summer.
In case you're wondering... I hate fundraising. BUT- with three of our five member household going on this trip, it's necessary.
I've never been on a mission trip before, and I am beyond excited about this opportunity. I've previously mentioned our best friends moving down to the island to start a church--- it was really really sad for us to watch them leave, it was a major role change in Jordan's job, etc. etc. etc.- Now, we're getting a chance to go down and be a part of what God is doing in St. Kitts. They've already gotten plugged into SO many things- coaching a basketball team, serving at a Boys Club, leading a Bible study. We'll be helping with these things, running a vacation bible school, beach clean-up, whatever other needs arise between now and then. I can't wait to be down there with our dear friends, to see life as their experiencing, and to serve the people that are now part of their home, their lives.

To read more about what Brandon and Wendi are doing in St. Kitts and what we'll be a part of this July, check out their blog here.

If you're interested in contributing to our team financially, you can click on the following link to do so:
Marathon Event Marketing - Indianapolis Fundraising - Horizon Youth Group - Kristen McGaughey

Most importantly, please be praying for our trip. We're taking an incredible group of kids down to serve alongside incredible people. We want to be used to spread the love of Jesus to the Kittitians and to bless and encourage Brandon and Wendi and their growing family. We covet your prayers for our time now as we work and serve as a group to prepare to go their to work and serve the locals!
Thanks, friends!! :)

Thursday, 21 April 2011

april 20

be strong and courageous...
for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

april 19

It went from 45 degrees to 70 in about an hours time.
We had to go out and enjoy the spike in temperature- even if we were already in jammies and ready for bed!

april 18

april 17

april 15, 16

(that's not my child... but I had a photo session and those were the only shots I got that day!)

amazing day with our youth group girls at the Beautiful You conference!

april 14

my wild child..
such a free spirit, wild and crazy, tender and sweet.

april 13

 sweet Nora James

 what a sweet smile she has. :)
..talking to Mama

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

april 12

please- take a look at those BEAUTIFUL curls!

 ...and this sweet face:

Oh, how I love being a mama to little girls.
(and Corban, too.)